Thursday, February 21, 2008

Welcome to My Palestine Blog

Welcome to my blog! I'm going to use this as a forum to communicate to friends and family about my upcoming trip, where I'll be helping to install two playgrounds in the West Bank for Playgrounds for Palestine ( I am humbled by the opportunity to join with communities seeking to give young people the spaces to play as they grow up under this brutal Israeli occupation. I hope that reading this blog will make you feel equally inspired to support our organization!


DSP at FCE said...

Sonia, We'll be holding you in our thoughts as you travel. You know that you are beloved to us and we will be eager to hear about the trip when you return. Deb

Anonymous said...

Sonia i love you sooooo much and want you to have a successful trip and want you to return safely. You are a brave and wonderful human being and I am proud of who you are. You know how I feel about this trip, so just be safe!
I will be happy to see you back on March 14. I love you!!!!
your mom

Unknown said...

Hey Sonia,

Really looking forward to reading about your trip.

Maybe it is just me, but I find it hard to read the white on black -- any chance of a different backgrounds color?
